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United Kingdom

Demographics[edit | edit source]
National[edit | edit source]
The British National Health Service estimates that 250,000 people in the United Kingdom have myalgic encephalomyelitis.[1] This represents a prevalence of around 0.4% of the UK population.
Doctor Luis Nacul and colleagues found prevalence in some regions of England to be around 0.2% using the 1994 Fukuda criteria, and 0.11% using the stricter Canadian Consensus Criteria.[2]
In 2006, in the report "How much is M.E. costing the country?" it was estimated that the total economic burden to the UK of ME was £6.4 billion per year. This report was prepared by the Survey & Statistical Research Centre at the Sheffield Hallam University, unfortunately it is not available online.[3]
In 2017, the report "Counting the Cost" estimated that the total cost to the UK economy of CFS/ME in 2014/15 was at least £3.3 billion. The report does however note that they weren't able to account for a number of different costs including "productivity losses among carers themselves, through reduced hours in employment, and costs associated with ‘presenteesim’ (productivity losses due to working while unwell)" so the true cost would be expected to be higher. This report was written by 2020Health and was funded by an educational grant from The Optimum Health Clinic Foundation.[4]
Regional[edit | edit source]
Estimated regional figures of people with ME/CFS:
Research[edit | edit source]
- Medical Research Council (MRC)
- National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
- In 1996 the influential Report of a joint working group of the Royal Colleges of Physicians, Psychiatrists and General Practitioners was published by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the Royal College of General Practitioners and the Royal College of Physicians. The royal colleges reported stated "There is consensus on the importance of a biopsychosocial approach to aetiology, assessment, and treatment and the need for further research". It was criticised in a Lancet editorial Frustrating survey of chronic fatigue which stated that "The condition shall now be called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and not myalgic encephalomyelitis(ME), the report decrees" and "The sixteen-strong committee was top heavy with psychiatric experts, so the emphasis on psychological causes and management (introduction of graded exercise and cognitive behavior therapy) is no surprise".
In response to a written question by Carol Monaghan MP, the UK government confirmed in May 2018 that biomedical funding for the 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 financial years, including that from non-government sources, was £280,442, £295,626 and £130,958 respectively.[7]
Medical guidelines[edit | edit source]
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, England & Wales)
CBT/GET[edit | edit source]
Social security and disability benefits[edit | edit source]
Patients are assessed for financial state support based on the Work Capability Assessment. The assessment is based on a handbook.[8]
Access to care[edit | edit source]
National Health Service[edit | edit source]
How many hospitals&doctors, which diagnose and treat M E (estimate): Rehabilitation offers for ME sufferers:
- National Health Service (NHS)
Private health insurance[edit | edit source]
Politics[edit | edit source]
- Chief Medical Officer Report 2002
- UK Parliament Grand Committee Room debate 21st June 2018
- All-Party Parliamentary Group on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
- Secret files
- In the Expectation of Recovery report by The Centre for Welfare Reform
- Private Members' Bills
Media[edit | edit source]
Scotland[edit | edit source]
Northern Ireland[edit | edit source]
Patient groups[edit | edit source]
National groups[edit | edit source]
Action for ME, Invest in ME, Change For M.E. Change For Us, ME Association, Tymes Trust, MEActionUK, Forward-ME, Hope 4 ME & Fibro NI, Association of Young People with ME, 25 Percent ME Group, ME Research UK, MEAction Scotland
Regional groups[edit | edit source]
Welsh Association of ME & CFS Support, Sussex & Kent ME/CFS Society, Tyne and Wear ME/CFS Support Group, Edinburgh MESH, Leeds ME Network, The York ME Community, The Grace Charity for M.E. (Kent), Lochaber PVFS/CFS/M.E. Support Network
Research[edit | edit source]
Government-funded research is limited. Patient Graham McPhee created a video explanation examining UK government funding of ME/CFS research.[9]
2016 government petition for increased funding[edit | edit source]
A petition was started in early 2016 to ask the British government to allocate more funding to the disease. It attracted 15,400 signatures over a six month period.[10] As the signature count was in excess of 10,000, the government was obliged to respond, and did so as follows:
The Government supports research into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) through the Medical Research Council (MRC), which receives funding from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills; and through the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), which is funded by the Department of Health. Together the MRC and NIHR welcome high quality applications for research into all aspects of CFS/ME. These would include studies to investigate the biological causes of the condition, improve our understanding of the condition and the complex and diverse range of symptoms experienced, and evaluate treatments.
Research proposals in all areas compete for the funding available with awards made according to their scientific quality and importance to human health.
Research into CFS/ME is a current priority area for the MRC. It received very few high-quality proposals in the area it has implemented a number of initiatives to stimulate more research in this important area and to increase research capacity by bringing new researchers into the field and supporting multidisciplinary teams to tackle research challenges and build partnerships. A highlight notice which outlines research priorities identified by the research community, and where applications are encouraged, is currently in place and can be found on its website at: http://www.mrc.ac.uk/funding/how-we-fund-research/highlight-notices/cfsme-highight-notice/
Notable studies[edit | edit source]
- 2011, PACE trial
- FINE trial
- 2016, Three Approaches to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada: Lessons for Democratic Policy
Research groups[edit | edit source]
Researchers[edit | edit source]
- Abhijit Chaudhuri
- Alan Carson
- Alessandra Borsini
- Alice Russell
- Alicia Deale
- Alison Wearden
- Amberly Brigden
- Amolak Bansal
- Andreas Finkelmeyer
- Andrew Pickles
- Angela Vincent
- Anne Gerken
- Anne-Marie Bagnall
- Anthony Cleare
- Anthony David
- Anthony Johnson
- Anthony Pelosi
- Arlene Gallagher
- Aruna Coldrick
- Audrey Brown
- Basant Puri
- Brian Angus
- Cara Tomas
- Carmine Pariante
- Caroline Kingdon
- Carolyn Chew-Graham
- Catherine Hale
- Chris Brightling
- Chris Metcalfe
- Chris Ponting
- Claire Hutchinson
- Colin McEvedy
- Daisy Gaunt
- Daniel Forton
- David Arnold
- David Marks
- David Wilks
- Derek Pheby
- Diane Cox
- Donald Acheson
- Duncan Chambers
- Eleanor Riley
- Elena Garralda
- Eliana Lacerda
- Elizabeth Dowsett
- Erinna Bowman
- Esther Crawley
- Faisel Khan
- Fane Mensah
- Francis Creed
- Gabrielle Murphy
- Gavin Spickett
- Geoffrey Burnstock
- George Davey Smith
- Geraldine Cambridge
- Gerwyn Morris
- Giorgos Sakkas
- Gordon Parish
- Graham Foster
- Hannah Baber
- Harvey Marcovitch
- Hayley Curran
- Hazel Dockrell
- Hazel O'Dowd
- Hugo Critchley
- Ian Charles
- Ilora Finlay
- Isaac Marks
- Jack Butterworth
- Jacqueline Cliff
- James Mowbray
- Jane Colby
- Jo Daniels
- Joanne Bond-Kendall
- John McLaren-Howard
- John Richardson
- Jonathan Brostoff
- Jonathan Edwards
- Jonathan Kerr
- Jonathan Tobias
- Julia DeCesare
- Julia Newton
- Karl Morten
- Katharine Rimes
- Keith Geraghty
- Kimberley Goldsmith
- Laura Potts
- Leszek Borysiewicz
- Lucy Beasant
- Lucy Clark
- Luis Nacul
- Maria Leandro
- Matthew Hotopf
- Maurice Murphy
- Megan Arroll
- Melvin Ramsay
- Michael Prendergast
- Michael Sharpe
- Mike Beadsworth
- Naghmeh Nikkheslat
- Natalie Lambert
- Natalie Moll
- Neil Harrison
- Nicola Mills
- Nilay Hepgul
- Nuno Sepúlveda
- PACE Trial Management Group
- Paul McCrone
- Penny Whiting
- Peter Barry
- Rebecca Walwyn
- Richard Edwards
- Rona Moss-Morris
- Russ Jago
- Sandra Howes
- Sarah Myhill
- Saul Berkovitz
- Sean Lynch
- Simon Carding
- Simon Collin
- Simon McGrath
- Simon Wessely
- Stephen Holgate
- Susanne Hempel
- Taane Clark
- Terence Stephenson
- Tim Peto
- Tim Spector
- Tom Wileman
- Trudie Chalder
- Valeria Mondelli
- Vance Spence
- Venkat Reddy
- Victoria Strassheim
- William Beard
- William Hollingworth
- Xia Wang-Steverding
- Zoe Gotts
- Zuzanna Zajkowska
Clinicians[edit | edit source]
- Abhijit Chaudhuri
- Alan Carson
- Alan Stanton
- Alastair Miller
- Alessandra Borsini
- Alicia Deale
- Amberly Brigden
- Amolak Bansal
- Andrew Wright
- Anne Gerken
- Anne MacIntyre
- Anthony Cleare
- Anthony Pelosi
- Arlene Gallagher
- Ashok Gupta
- Basant Puri
- Ben Goldacre
- Carmine Pariante
- Carolyn Chew-Graham
- Charles Shepherd
- Chris Ponting
- Christopher Burton
- Clare Gerada
- Daniel Forton
- Derek Pheby
- Diane Cox
- Dietrich Klinghardt
- Donald Acheson
- Elena Garralda
- Esther Crawley
- Farhad Dalal
- Francis Creed
- Gabrielle Murphy
- Gavin Spickett
- Graham Foster
- Harvey Marcovitch
- Hazel O'Dowd
- Ilora Finlay
- Irving Spurr
- James Mowbray
- Jean Monro
- Jo Daniels
- Joan Crawford
- Joanne Bond-Kendall
- John Richardson
- Jonathan Brostoff
- Jonathan Tobias
- Julia Newton
- Leone Ridsdale
- Leslie Findley
- Lucy Clark
- Matthew Hotopf
- Maurice Murphy
- Max Pemberton
- Melvin Ramsay
- Michael Prendergast
- Mike Beadsworth
- Naghmeh Nikkheslat
- Natalie Moll
- Neil Harrison
- Nicola Clague-Baker
- Nigel Speight
- Nilay Hepgul
- Nina Muirhead
- Peter Barry
- Peter Behan
- Phil Hammond
- Raymond Perrin
- Richard Edwards
- Rosemary Underhill
- Sarah Myhill
- Simon Wessely
- Susan Watson
- Terry Mitchell
- Theo Anbu
- Tim Peto
- Tony Crouch
- Trudie Chalder
- Valeria Mondelli
- Vinod Patel
- William Weir
- Zuzanna Zajkowska
Clinics[edit | edit source]
- Breakspear Medical, Hemel Hempstead
- The Optimum Health Clinic, London
- The National ME Centre, Harold Wood, Essex
Notable patients[edit | edit source]
Vicky Beeching, Jane Colby, Shirley Conran, L.A. Cooper, Robert Courtney, Clark Ellis, Catherine Hale, Nasim Marie Jafry, Peter Kemp, Countess of Mar, Tanya Marlow, Graham McPhee, Giles Meehan, Stuart Murdoch, Ean Proctor, Charles Shepherd, Valerie Eliot Smith, Jessica Taylor, Claire Wade, Naomi Whittingham, Doctor Speedy
Deceased patients[edit | edit source]
- Alan W. Lear
- Anne Örtegren
- Beth Mazur
- Blake Edwards
- Brynmor John
- Chardale Dotson Irvine
- Charles Darwin
- Craig W. Maupin
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- Emily Collingridge
- Florence Nightingale
- Frank Carrone
- Frida Kahlo
- Gary Burgess
- Graham McPhee
- Henry Percy, 11th Duke of Northumberland
- Jodi Bassett
- Justin Noble
- Laurie Walker
- Leila Pahlavi
- List of deaths caused by myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome
- Lynn Gilderdale
- Maeve Boothby-O'Neill
- Marcie Zinn
- Marie Curie
- Martin Lev
- Memorial lists
- Merryn Crofts
- Michael Mayne
- Miriam Defensor Santiago
- Oliver Coles
- Rich Van Konynenburg
- Robert Courtney
- Roger Cicero
- Sophia Mirza
- Thomas Hennessy, Jr.
- Vanessa Li
- Victoria Elsbury-Legg
MEAction regional Facebook groups[edit | edit source]
- UK
- London
- England South East
- England South West
- England West Midlands
- England North West
- England North East
- England Yorkshire & The Humber
- England East Midlands
- England East
- Scotland
- Wales
- Northern Ireland
Learn more[edit | edit source]
See also[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ "Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME)". nhs.uk. October 20, 2017. Retrieved November 20, 2020.
- ↑ Nacul, Luis C.; Lacerda, Eliana M.; Pheby, Derek; Campion, Peter; Molokhia, Mariam; Fayyaz, Shagufta; Leite, Jose CDC; Poland, Fiona; Howe, Amanda (July 28, 2011). "Prevalence of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in three regions of England: a repeated cross-sectional study in primary care". BMC Medicine. 9 (1): 91. doi:10.1186/1741-7015-9-91. ISSN 1741-7015. PMC 3170215. PMID 21794183.
- ↑ "UK General Election: Template letter to parliamentary candidates". Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums. Retrieved November 20, 2020.
- ↑ http://www.meassociation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020Health-Counting-the-Cost-Sept-2017.pdf
- ↑ Shropshire Disability - Shropshire ME Group
- ↑ The ME Association – Cross-party pressure for a new Northern Ireland ME/CFS service
- ↑ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:Written question - 145357
- ↑ Revised WCA Handbook - 5 July 2016
- ↑ ME - Science Friction in the UK
- ↑ "Archived Petition: Invest more money into scientific research to find the cause of M.E./CFS". Petitions - UK Government and Parliament. Retrieved November 20, 2020.