
From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history
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Page edits since MEpedia was set up236,571
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View statistics
Views total47,136,089
Views per edit199.25
Most viewed pages
Welcome to MEpedia1,931,308
PACE trial870,436
Post-exertional malaise487,070
Myalgic encephalomyelitis405,015
Spoon theory342,286
Craniocervical instability299,641
Muscle fasciculations241,764
Esther Crawley195,859
Words in all content pages1,936,997
Semantic statistics
Property values (total)27,055
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Properties (total) 39
  -  Properties (used with at least one value)13
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Entities (total) 8,612
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  -  Queries (embedded, total)0