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List of abbreviations
From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history
This is a list of abbreviations commonly used on MEpedia or in relation to ME/CFS. Abbreviations can be shortened versions of words, acronyms or mnemonics of short phrases. They can appear with or without punctuation.
#[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
2-day CPET | Two-day cardiopulmonary exercise test |
A[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
A-msh | Alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone | |
AA | Arachidonic acid | |
ACTH | Adrenocorticotropic hormone | |
AfME | Action for ME | |
AHCC | Active Hexose Correlated Compound | |
AHRQ | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | |
AIDS | Acquired immune deficiency syndrome | |
Am Fam Physician. | American Family Physician | Academic journal |
Am J Med. | The American Journal of Medicine | Academic journal |
Am J Psychiatry | The American Journal of Psychiatry | Academic journal |
Am J Psychology | The American Journal of Psychology | Academic journal |
AMPK | AMP-activated protein kinase | |
Am Psychol. | American Psychologist | Academic journal |
Ann Epidemiol. | Annals of Epidemiology | Academic journal |
Ann Intern Med. | Annals of Internal Medicine | Academic journal |
ANZMES | Associated New Zealand ME Society | |
APPG on ME | All Party Parliamentary Group on ME | |
APT | Adaptive Pacing Therapy | |
ATP | Adenosine triphosphate | |
Aust N Z J Psychiatry | Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry | Academic journal |
Autoimmun Rev. | Autoimmunity Reviews | Academic journal |
AYME | Association of Young People with ME |
B[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
BA | Bachelor of Arts degree | |
Biopsychosoc Med. | BioPsychoSocial Medicine | Academic journal |
BMC Health Serv Res. | BMC Health Services Research | Academic journal |
BMJ | British Medical Journal | Academic journal |
BMREC / BRMEC | Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium | |
BPD | Borderline Personality Disorder | A mental disorder |
BPS model | Biopsychosocial model | The primary model for mental illnesses |
BPSM | BioPsychoSocial Medicine | Academic journal |
Br J Nurs. | British Journal of Nursing | Academic journal |
Br J Soc Psychol. | British Journal of Social Psychology | Academic journal |
Br Med Bull. | British Medical Bulletin | Academic journal |
BS or BSc | Bachelor of Science degree |
C[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
CAA | CFIDS Association of America | Now known as the Solve ME/CFS Initiative |
CBT | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy | |
CCC | Canadian Consensus Criteria | |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | |
CDR | Cell danger response | |
C. diff | Clostridium difficile | |
CEBV | Chronic Epstein-Barr virus | |
CFIDS | Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome | |
CFS / C.F.S. | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | |
CFS/ME | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis | |
CFSAC | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee | |
CI | Confidence interval | Research term |
CMRC | UK CFS/ME Research Collaborative | |
CMS | Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services | |
CMV | Cytomegalovirus | |
CNS | Central nervous system | |
COPD | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | |
CoQ10 | Coenzyme Q10 | |
COST | Cooperation In Science And Technology | |
CPET | Cardiopulmonary exercise test |
D[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
DGLA | Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid | |
DHA | Docosahexaenoic acid | |
DHEA | Dehydroepiandrosterone | |
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic acid | |
DOI | Digital object identifier | Identifier |
DsRNA | Double-stranded RNA viruses | |
DWP | Department for Work and Pensions | UK social security department |
Dyn Med. | Dynamic Medicine | Academic journal |
E[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
EBNA | Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen | |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus | |
E. coli | Escherichia coli | |
EDS | Ehlers Danlos Syndrome | |
EEG | Electroencephalogram, Electroencephalograph, or Electroencephalography | |
EPA | Eicosapentaenoic acid | |
EUROMENE | European ME Network / European Network on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | |
Exerc Immunol Rev. | Exercise immunology review | Academic journal |
F[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
FDA | U.S. Food and Drug Administration | |
FINE | FINE trial | Sister trial to the PACE trial for severe ME/CFS |
FIQ | Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire | |
FIS | Fatigue Impact Scale | |
Flu / 'Flu | Influenza | |
FM | Fibromyalgia | |
FMS | Fibromyalgia or Fibromyalgia Syndrome | |
FMT | Fecal matter transplant [US]; Faecal matter transplant [UK] | |
FOI / FOIA | Freedom of information / Freedom of Information Act | UK data access law |
FSS | Fatigue Severity Scale | |
FUT2 | Fucosyltransferase 2 enzyme |
G[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
GAPS / GAP Syndrome | Gut and Psychology Syndrome | |
GAT / GAM | Graded Activity Therapy/Graded Activity Management | Alternative name for GET |
GET | Graded Exercise Therapy | |
GP / G.P. | General Practitioner | Primary Doctor (PDOC) |
GSRME | Group on Scientific Research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Gibson Enquiry | |
GWI | Gulf War Illness | |
GWS | Gulf War Syndrome |
H[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
H1N1 | Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 | |
HCI | Hydrochloric acid | |
HHS | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | |
HHV | Herpesviruses | |
HHV-6 | Human herpesvirus 6 | |
HHV-7 | Human herpesvirus 7 | |
HIV | Human immunodeficiency virus | |
HPA | Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis | |
HSV | Herpes simplex virus |
I[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
IACFS/ME / IACFSME | International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis | |
IBS | Irritable Bowel Syndrome | |
ICC | International Consensus Criteria for M.E. | |
ICD | International Classification of Diseases | World Health Organization classification of diseases and disorders |
ICO | Information Commissioner's Office | UK department overseeing the Freedom of Information Act |
IFN / IFN-γ | Interferon / Interferon gamma | |
Ig | Immunoglobulin | |
IgA | Immunoglobulin A | |
IgM | Immunoglobulin M | |
IiME/IiMER | Invest in ME Research | UK patient charity |
IL | Interleukin | |
IOM | Institute of Medicine | |
ISBN | International Standard Book Number | Identifier |
ISSN | International Standard Serial Number | Identifier |
IVIG | Intravenous immunoglobulin |
J[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
JAMA | Journal of the American Medical Association | Academic journal |
J. Pediatr. | Journal of Pediatrics | Academic journal |
J Transl Med. | Journal of Translational Medicine | Academic journal |
K[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
KPS | Karnofsky Performance Scale |
L[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
LDN | Low dose naltrexone |
M[edit | edit source]
N[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
NAD / NAD+ / NADH | Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide | |
NAM | National Academy of Medicine | Formerly known as the Institute of Medicine |
NCF | National CFIDS Foundation | Patient group |
NCNED | National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases | |
Neuropsychol Rev. | Neuropsychology Review | Academic journal |
NHS | National Health Service | UK's universal health care system |
NICE | National Institute for Health and Care Excellence | UK body for diagnosis and treatment guidelines |
NIH | National Institutes of Health | US government departments |
NINDS | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke | |
NIOF | Neuro-Inflammatory and Oxidative Fatigue | |
NK cell / NKC | Natural killer cell | |
NMH | Neurally mediated hypotension | |
Nrf2 | Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 | |
N Z Med J. | New Zealand Medical Journal | Academic journal |
O[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
OI | Orthostatic intolerance | |
OMF | Open Medicine Foundation | Research charity founded by Dr Ron Davis |
P[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
P2P | Pathways to prevention report | |
PACE trial | Pacing, graded Activity, and Cognitive behaviour therapy Trial | |
PNAS | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | Academic journal |
PEM | Post-exertional malaise | Also called Post-exertional Neuro Exhaustion (PENE) |
PhD | Doctor of Philosophy | Research degree. Not a medical doctor. |
PIFS | Post-infectious Fatigue Syndrome | Similar to Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome but includes non-viral infections e.g. bacterial |
PLoS One / PLOS ONE | Public Library of Science | Academic journal |
PMC | PubMed Central | Identifier |
PMCID | PubMed Central Identifier | Identifier |
PMD | Premenstrual disorder | Also known as PMS |
PMDD | Premenstrual dysphoric disorder | Psychological disorder |
PMID | PubMed Identifier | Identifier |
PMS / PMT | Premenstrual syndrome / Premenstrual tension | |
PNAS | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | Academic journal |
Polio | Poliomyelitis | |
POTS | Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome | |
PRS | Pervasive Refusal Syndrome | |
PSGL-1 | P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 | |
Psychiatr Clin North Am. | Psychiatric Clinics of North America | Academic journal |
Psychiatr Genet. | Psychiatric Genetics | Academic journal |
Psychol Med. | Psychological Medicine | Academic journal |
Psychosom Med. | Psychosomatic Medicine | Academic journal |
PTSD | Post-traumatic stress disorder | Mental health condition |
PVFS | Postviral fatigue syndrome | Alternative term for ME/CFS |
PwCFS or PwCFS | Person with/suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | community term |
PwF | Person with fatigue | community term |
PwME | Person with/suffering from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis | community term |
Q[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
QJM | QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, originally Quarterly Journal of Medicine | Academic journal |
QMUL | Queen Mary University of London | |
Qual Life Res. | Quality of Life Research | Academic journal |
R[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
RA | Rheumatoid arthritis | |
RLS | Restless legs syndrome | |
WED | Restless legs syndrome/Willis-Ekbom disease | |
RNase-L | Ribonuclease L |
S[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
SEID | Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease | Name not in use, but defines the ME/CFS diagnostic criteria used by the CDC since 2017 |
Semin Neurol. | Seminars in Neurology | Academic journal |
SF-36 | Short Form 36-Item Health Survey | |
SIBO | Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth | Sometimes called "leaky gut" |
SLE | Systemic lupus erythematosus | |
SM | Social media | |
SMEG | Shropshire ME Group | |
SMC | Science Media Centre | UK group largely funded by industry and Big Pharma groups |
SMC | Standard medical care | |
SMCI | Solve ME/CFS Initiative | |
Soc Sci Med. | Social Science & Medicine | Academic journal |
SOD | Superoxide dismutase | |
SPECT / SPET | Single-photon emission computed tomography | |
SNRI | Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor / Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor | Class of anti-depressants |
SSRI | Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor | Class of anti-depressants |
T[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
TATT | Tired All The Time | |
TCA cycle | tricarboxylic acid cycle or Citric acid cycle | |
Th / Th1 / Th2 | T helper cell | |
TLR | Toll-like receptor | |
TMD | Temporomandibular joint disorder | |
TMJ | Temporomandibular joint disorder | |
TNFα | TNF-alpha | |
Treg / Tregs | Regulatory T cell |
U[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
UK | United Kingdom | |
US / USA | United States of America | |
USAWG | US Action Working Group |
V[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
VAS | Visual analog scale | |
VDR | Vitamin D receptor | |
VEGF | Vascular endothelial growth factor | |
VNIH | Vagus nerve infection hypothesis | |
VZV | Varicella zoster virus |
W[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
WAMES | Welsh Association of ME & CFS Support | UK patient group (for Wales) |
WG | Working group | |
WHO | World Health Organization | |
WPI | Whittemore Peterson Institute |
X[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
XMRV | Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus |
Y[edit | edit source]
Abbreviation | Meaning | Notes |
YPWC | Young person with chronic fatigue syndrome |