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Kenny De Meirleir

Kenny L. De Meirleir, MD, PhD, is a Belgian Internal Medicine doctor specializing in ME/CFS who currently serves as the Medical Director of Whittemore Peterson Institute, Nevada.[1] He frequently partners with numerous myalgic encephalomyelitis/
Clinic location[edit | edit source]
Professor De Meirleir runs the Himmunitas clinic in Brussels, Belgium and the Whittemore Peterson Institute in Reno, Nevada, in the United States.
Education[edit | edit source]
(As per bio page at Whittemore Peterson Institute)[2]
- 1970 – 1977 Medical Education, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Doctor in Medicine (Belgium), Magna cum Laude
- 1977 – 1982 Internal medicine Residency, Department of Internal Medicine, university Hospital Vrije Universiteit Brussel, under supervision of Prof. Dr. R. Six. Certification in Internal Medicine
- 1982 – 1984 Resident in Cardiology, Algemeen Ziekenhuis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, under supervision of Prof. Dr. P. Block, interrupted by military service
- 1985 Ph.D. in Physiology
Awards[edit | edit source]
- Solvay Prize
- NATO Research Award
Court case[edit | edit source]
In April 2018, Dr. Kenny De Meirleir pleaded guilty to the 2009 importation of the antiviral drug Nexavir to Belgium for use in ME/CFS and Lyme disease patients,[3] he did not receive any sentence or fine. De Meirleir was also prosecuted for carrying out illegal experiments on humans, but was found not guilty.[4]
Writing committees[edit | edit source]
Canadian Consensus Criteria[edit | edit source]
- 2003, Canadian Consensus Criteria for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (PDF File)
- 2003, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Clinical Working Case Definition, Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols[5] (Full Text)
Pediatric case definition[edit | edit source]
- 2006, A Pediatric Case Definition for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[6] (Full Text)
International Consensus Criteria[edit | edit source]
- 2011, One of the authors of the 2011 case definition, International Consensus Criteria.[7]
Books[edit | edit source]
- 2000, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Critical Reviews and Clinical Advances; What Does the Research Say? by Roberto Patarca-Montero and Kenny De Meirleir
- 2002, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Biological Approach Edited by Patrick Englebienne and Kenny De Meirleir
- 2006, Pediatric Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Kenny De Meirleir, Neil McGregor, and Elke L.S. Van Hoof
- 2011, Gezond of gezondigd? by Kenny De Meirleir and Christine Tobback
Notable studies[edit | edit source]
- 2001, A definition-based analysis of symptoms in a large cohort of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.[8]
- 2001, G-Actin Cleavage Parallels 2-5A-Dependent RNase L Cleavage in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells—Relevance to a Possible Serum-Based Screening Test for Dysregulations in the 2-5A Pathway[9] (Abstract)
- 2001, Interactions Between RNase L Ankyrin-Like Domain and ABC Transporters as a Possible Origin for Pain, Ion Transport, CNS and Immune Disorders of Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome[10] (Abstract)
- 2002, High prevalence of Mycoplasma infections among European chronic fatigue syndrome patients. Examination of four Mycoplasma species in blood of chronic fatigue syndrome patients[11] (Full Text)
- 2002, Activity Limitations and Participation Restrictions in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome—Construction of a Disease Specific Questionnaire[12] (Abstract)
- 2002, Possible Triggers and Mode of Onset of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[13] (Abstract)
- 2003, Monitoring a Hypothetical Channelopathy in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Preliminary Observations[14] (Abstract)
- 2003, Associations between bronchial hyperresponsiveness and immune cell parameters in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome[15] (Abstract)
- 2003, Evidence for Bacterial (Mycoplasma, Chlamydia) and Viral (Human herpesvirus 6) Co-Infections in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients[16] (Abstract)
- 2003, Comparison of Activity Limitations/Participation Restrictions Among Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients[17] (Abstract)
- 2003, Hyperbaric Therapy in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[18] (Abstract)
- 2003, Deregulation of the 2,5A Synthetase RNase L Antiviral Pathway by Mycoplasma spp. in Subsets of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[19] - (Full Text)
- 2003, Immunophenotyping Predictive of Mycoplasma Infection in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?[20] Abstract)
- 2003, The Symptoms and Psychiatric Status of the Bijlmermeer Plane Crash Disaster: Similarities with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Gulf War Syndrome[21]
- 2004, The Influence of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on the Personality Profile: A Case Report[22] (Abstract)
- 2004, Association Between Fennell Phase Inventory Scores and Immune and RNase-L Parameters in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[23] - (Abstract)
- 2004, The Fennell Phase Inventory in a Belgian Sample[24] (Full Text)
- 2006, Pediatric Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Munchausen-By-Proxy: A Case Study[25] (Abstract)
- 2006, Antiviral Pathway Deregulation of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Induces Nitric Oxide Production in Immune Cells That Precludes a Resolution of the Inflammatory Response[26] (Abstract)
- 2007, Physiological Responses to Arm and Leg Exercise in Women Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[27] (Abstract)
- 2007, Defining the Occurrence and Influence of Alpha-Delta Sleep in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[28] (Abstract)
- 2009, Detection of Herpesviruses and Parvovirus B19 in Gastric and Intestinal Mucosa of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients[29] (Full Text)
- 2009, Increased D-Lactic Acid Intestinal Bacteria in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome][30] (Full Text)
- 2009, Severe versus Moderate criteria for the new pediatric case definition for ME/CFS[31] (Abstract)
- 2013, Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in the Duodenum of Individuals Diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Are Uniquely Immunoreactive to Antibodies to Human Endogenous Retroviral Proteins[32] (Full text)
- 2015, Cytokine expression provides clues to the pathophysiology of Gulf War illness and myalgic encephalomyelitis[33] - (Full text)
- 2016, Humoral Immunity Profiling of Subjects with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Using a Random Peptide Microarray Differentiates Cases from Controls with High Specificity and Sensitivity[34] (Full text)
- 2016, Genome-wide association analysis identifies genetic variations in subjects with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome[35] (Full text)
- 2018, Evaluation of four clinical laboratory parameters for the diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis[36] (Full text)
Talks and interviews[edit | edit source]
Wetenschap voor Patiënten - ME/cvs Vereniging[edit | edit source]
- 2012, 01. Is ME and/or CFS a disease?/ Is ME en/of CVS een ziekte? - Prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2012, 02. Is it possible to diagnose ME/CFS? / Valt ME/CVS re diagnosticeren? - Prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2012, 03. Is ME a hereditary condition?/ Is ME een erfelijke aandoening? - Prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2012, 04. ME and sleep disorders / ME en slaapproblemen - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2012, 05. ME and Pain / ME en Pijn - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2012, 06. ME and Hormones / ME en Hormonen - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2012, 07. ME, the immune system and several viruses / ME, het immuunsysteem en diverse virussen - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2012, 08. ME, Blood Circulation and the Brain / ME, de bloedsomloop en de hersenen - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2012, 09. ME and gastrointestinal Problems / ME en maag-darmproblemen - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2013, 10. ME, comorbidity and exclusion criteria / ME, comorbiditeit en uitsluitingscriteria - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2013, 11. Twelve Answers to Questions - ME Irigins and Causes / Bestaan en oorzaken ME - prof. Dr. K. de Meirleir
- 2013, 12. Misdiagnosis, related Diagnosis and Tests / Verkeerde diagnoses, verwante diagnoses en testen - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2013, 13. Sleep, Pain and Nightmares / Slaap, pijn en nachtzweten - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2013, 14. ME and Treatment / Behandeling - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2013, 15. ME, Remedy and Hope / Remedies en hoop - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2013, 16. ME and Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN) / Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2013, 17. ME and the Brain / ME en de hersenen -prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2013, 18. ME, Th1, Th2 and Th17 / ME, Th1, Th2 en Th17 - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2013, 19. Subgroups of Patients / Subgroepen patienten - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
- 2013, 20. Sense and Nonsense of Tests / Zin en onzin van testen - prof. Dr. K. De Meirleir
Invest in ME Conference Speeches[edit | edit source]
- 2007, Speaker at the 2nd Invest in ME International ME Conference on Treatments for ME/CFS Integrative & Complimentary Medicine[37] - (Video)
- 2009, Speaker at the 4th Invest in ME International ME Conference on Research on Extremely Debilitated M.E. Patients Reveals the True Nature of the Disorder[38] DVD available
- 2011, Speaker at the 6th Invest in ME International ME Conference on Clinical Diagnosis, Treatments and Trials of ME/CFS[39] DVD available
ME/CFS Alert[edit | edit source]
- Episode 42 - Interview with Dr. Kenny De Meirleir
- Episode 43 - Interview with Dr. Kenny De Meirleir, Part 2
- Episode 44 - Interview with Dr. Kenny De Meirleir, Part 3
- Episode 45 - Interview with Dr. Kenny De Meirleir, Part 4
IACFS/ME Conference[edit | edit source]
Other[edit | edit source]
- 17 April 2010, Professor Kenny De Meirleir on Chronic Fatigue in Perth, Western Australia at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Online presence[edit | edit source]
Learn more[edit | edit source]
- 2007, ME/CFS & Chronic Infection of the Gut – Notes on Dr. Kenny De Meirleir’s Presentation in Perth
- 2008, Dr. Kenny De Meirleir – Man on the Move for ME/CFS
- 2009, Dr. Kenny De Meirleir
- 2013, The De Meirleir Experience
See also[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ NVCBR. "Kenny De Meirleir, MD, PhD". Whittemore Peterson Institute. Retrieved July 11, 2019.
- ↑ http://nvcbr.org/meet-the-team/?team_member=kennydemeirleir#tab-2fc81613def7f57b934
- ↑ "Uitstel vonnis tegen chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom-prof". Het Nieuwsblad (in Nederlands). Retrieved March 2, 2019.
- ↑ NWS, VRT (April 20, 2018). "Ex-VUB-prof die omstreden medicijn invoerde krijgt geen straf". vrtnws.be (in Nederlands). Retrieved March 2, 2019.
- ↑ Carruthers, Bruce M.; Jain, Anil Kumar; De Meirleir, Kenny L.; Peterson, Daniel L.; Klimas, Nancy G.; Lerner, A. Martin; Bested, Alison C.; Flor-Henry, Pierre; Joshi, Pradip; Powles, AC Peter; Sherkey, Jeffrey A.; van de Sande, Marjorie I. (2003), "Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Clinical Working Case Definition, Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols", Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 11 (2): 7–115, doi:10.1300/J092v11n01_02
- ↑ Jason, Leonard A; Jordan, Karen; Miike, Teruhisa; Bell, David S; Lapp, Charles; Torres-Harding, Susan; Rowe, Kathy; Gurwitt, Alan; De Meirleir, Kenny; Van Hoof, Elke LS (2006), "A Pediatric Case Definition for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 13 (2–3): 1–44, doi:10.1300/J092v13n02_01
- ↑ Carruthers, Bruce M.; van de Sande, Marjorie I.; De Meirleir, Kenny L.; Klimas, Nancy G.; Broderick, Gordon; Mitchell, Terry; Staines, Donald; Powles, A.C. Peter; Speight, Nigel; Vallings, Rosamund; Bateman, Lucinda; Baumgarten-Austrheim, Barbara; Bell, David; Carlo-Stella, Nicoletta; Chia, John; Darragh, Austin; Jo, Daehyun; Lewis, Donald; Light, Alan; Marshall-Gradisnik, Sonya; Mena, Ismael; Mikovits, Judy; Miwa, Kunihisa; Murovska, Modra; Pall, Martin; Stevens, Staci (August 22, 2011). "Myalgic encephalomyelitis: International Consensus Criteria". Journal of Internal Medicine. 270 (4): 327–338. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2796.2011.02428.x. ISSN 0954-6820. PMC 3427890. PMID 21777306.
- ↑ De Becker, Pascale; McGregor, Neil; De Meirleir, Kenny (December 2001). "A definition‐based analysis of symptoms in a large cohort of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome". Journal of Internal Medicine. 250 (3): 234–240. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2796.2001.00890.x.
- ↑ Simon Roelens, C. Vincent Herst, Anne D'Haese, Karen De Smet, Marc Frémont, Kenny De Meirleir & Patrick Englebienne. (2001). G-Actin Cleavage Parallels 2-5A-Dependent RNase L Cleavage in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells—Relevance to a Possible Serum-Based Screening Test for Dysregulations in the 2-5A Pathway. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 8, Iss. 3-4, pp. 63-82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/J092v08n03_07
- ↑ Patrick Englebienne, C. Vincent Herst, Karen De Smet, Anne D'Haese & Kenny De Meirleir. (2001). Interactions Between Rnase L Ankyrin-Like Domain and ABC Transporters as a Possible Origin for Pain, Ion Transport, CNS and Immune Disorders of Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 8, Iss. 3-4, pp. 83-102. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/J092v08n03_08
- ↑ Nijs, Jo; De Meirleir, Kenny L.; Coomans, Danny; De Becker, Pascale; Nicolson, Garth L. (2002), "High prevalence of Mycoplasma infections among European chronic fatigue syndrome patients. Examination of four Mycoplasma species in blood of chronic fatigue syndrome patients", FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 34 (3): 209-14, doi:10.1111/j.1574-695X.2002.tb00626.x, PMID 12423773
- ↑ Nijs, Jo; Vaes, Peter; Van Hoof, Elke; De Becker, Pascale; McGregor, Neil; De Meirleir, Kenny L. (2002), "Activity Limitations and Participation Restrictions in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome—Construction of a Disease Specific Questionnaire", Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 10 (2): 3-23, doi:10.1300/J092v10n03_02
- ↑ P. De Becker, N. McGregor & K. De Meirleir. (2002). Possible Triggers and Mode of Onset of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 10, Iss. 2, pp. 3-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/J092v10n02_02
- ↑ Nijs, Jo; De Becker, Pascale; Demanet, Christian; McGregor, Neil; Englebienne, Patrick; Verhas, Michel; De Meirleir, Kenny L. (2003), "Monitoring a Hypothetical Channelopathy in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Preliminary Observations", Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 11 (1): 117-133, doi:10.1300/J092v11n01_03
- ↑ Nijs, Jo; De Becker, Pascale; De Meirleir, Kenny L.; Demanet, Christian; Vincken, Walter; Schuermans, Daniel; McGregor, Neil (2003), "Associations between bronchial hyperresponsiveness and immune cell parameters in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome", Chest, 123 (4): 998-1007, PMID 12684286
- ↑ Garth L. Nicolson, Marwan Y. Nasralla, Kenny De Meirleir, Robert Gan & Joerg Haier. (2003). Evidence for Bacterial (Mycoplasma, Chlamydia) and Viral (HHV-6) Co-Infections in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 11, Iss. 2, pp. 7-19
- ↑ Nijs, Jo; Vaes, Peter; McGregor, Neil; Lambrecht, Luc; Van Hoof, Elke; De Meirleir, Kenny L. (2003), "Comparison of Activity Limitations/Participation Restrictions Among Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients", Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 11 (4): 3-18, doi:10.1300/J092v11n04_02
- ↑ Elke Van Hoof, Danny Coomans, Pascale De Becker, Romain Meeusen, Raymond Cluydts & Kenny De Meirleir. (2003). Hyperbaric Therapy in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 11, Iss. 3, pp. 37-49. DOI:10.1300/J092v11n03_04
- ↑ Nijs, Jo; De Meirleir, Kenny L.; Coomans, Danny; De Becker, Pascale; Nicolson, Garth L. (2003), "Deregulation of the 2,5A Synthetase RNase L Antiviral Pathway by Mycoplasma spp. in Subsets of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" (PDF), Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 11 (2): 37-50, doi:10.1300/J092v11n02_04
- ↑ Nijs, Jo; Coomans, Danny; Nicolson, Garth L.; De Becker, Pascale; Christian, Demanet; De Meirleir, Kenny L. (2003), "Immunophenotyping Predictive of Mycoplasma Infection in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?", Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 11 (2): 51-69, doi:10.1300/J092v11n02_05
- ↑ Van Hoof, Elke; De Meirleir, Kenny; Cluydts, Raymond; Coomans, Danny (2003), "The Symptoms and Psychiatric Status of the Bijlmermeer Plane Crash Disaster: Similarities with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Gulf War Syndrome", Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 11 (3): 3-21, doi:10.1300/J092v11n03_02
- ↑ Van Hoof, Elke; De Meirleir, Kenny (2004), "The Influence of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on the Personality Profile: A Case Report", Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 12 (3): 63-71, doi:10.1300/J092v12n03_05
- ↑ Van Hoof, Elke; Coomans, Danny; Cluydts, Raymond; De Meirleir, Kenny (January 2004). "Association Between Fennell Phase Inventory Scores and Immune and RNase-L Parameters in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 12 (2): 19–34. doi:10.1300/J092v12n02_03. ISSN 1057-3321.
- ↑ Van Hoof, Elke; Coomans, Danny; Cluydts, Raymond; De Meirleir, Kenny (2004). "The Fennell Phase Inventory in a Belgian Sample". Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 12 (1): 53–69. doi:10.1300/J092v12n01_04.
- ↑ Van Hoof, E; De Becker, P; De Meirleir, K (2006), "Pediatric Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Munchausen-By-Proxy: A Case Study", Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 13 (2–3): 45-53, doi:10.1300/J092v13n02_02
- ↑ Frémont, Marc; Vaeyens, Freya; Herst, C. Vincent; De Meirleir, Kenny; Englebienne, Patrick (2006), "Antiviral Pathway Deregulation of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Induces Nitric Oxide Production in Immune Cells That Precludes a Resolution of the Inflammatory Response", Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 13 (4): 17-28, doi:10.1300/J092v13n04_03
- ↑ Javierre, Casimiro; Alegre, José; Ventura, José Luis; García-Quintana, Ana; Segura, Ramon; Suarez, Andrea; Morales, Alberto; Comella, Agusti; De Meirleir, Kenny L. (2007), "Physiological Responses to Arm and Leg Exercise in Women Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 14 (1): 43-53, doi:10.1300/J092v14n01_05
- ↑ Van Hoof, E; De Becker, P; Lapp, C; Cluydts, R; De Meirleir, K (2007), "Defining the Occurrence and Influence of Alpha-Delta Sleep in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 333 (2): 78-84, PMID 17301585
- ↑ Frémont, Marc; Metzger, Kristine; Rady, Hamada; Hulstaert, Jan; De Meirleir, Kenny (2009), "Detection of Herpesviruses and Parvovirus B19 in Gastric and Intestinal Mucosa of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients", In Vivo, 23 (2): 209-213
- ↑ Sheedy, John R.; Wettenhall, Richard E.H.; Scanlon, Denis; Gooley, Paul R.; Lewis, Donald P.; McGregor, Neil; Stapleton, David; Butt, Henry L.; De Meirleir, Kenny L. (2009), "Increased D-Lactic Acid Intestinal Bacteria in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", In Vivo, 23 (4): 621-628, PMID 19567398
- ↑ Jason, Leonard; Porter, Nicole; Shelleby, E; Till, L; Bell, David S; Lapp, Charles W; Rowe, Kathy; De Meirleir, Kenny (2009), "Severe versus Moderate criteria for the new pediatric case definition for ME/CFS", Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 40 (4): 609-20, doi:10.1007/s10578-009-0147-8
- ↑ De Meirleir, KL; Khaiboullina, SF; Frémont, M; Hulstaert, J; Rizvanov, AA; Palotás, A; Lombardi, VC (2013), "Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in the Duodenum of Individuals Diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Are Uniquely Immunoreactive to Antibodies to Human Endogenous Retroviral Proteins", In Vivo, 27 (2): 177–187, PMID 23422476
- ↑ Khaiboullina, Svetlana F.; DeMeirleir, Kenny L.; Rawat, Shanti; Berk, Grady S.; Gaynor-Berk, Rory S.; Mijatovic, Tatjana; Blatt, Natalia; Rizvanov, Albert A.; Young, Sheila G.; Lombardi, Vincent C. (March 1, 2015). "Cytokine expression provides clues to the pathophysiology of Gulf War illness and myalgic encephalomyelitis". Cytokine. 72 (1): 1–8. doi:10.1016/j.cyto.2014.11.019. ISSN 1043-4666. PMC 4410698.
- ↑ Singh, Sahajpreet; Stafford, Phillip; Schlauch, Karen A.; Tillett, Richard R.; Gollery, Martin; Johnston, Stephen Albert; Khaiboullina, Svetlana F.; De Meirleir, Kenny L.; Rawat, Shanti; Mijatovic, Tatjana; Subramanian, Krishnamurthy; Palotás, András; Lombardi, Vincent C. (2016), "Humoral Immunity Profiling of Subjects with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Using a Random Peptide Microarray Differentiates Cases from Controls with High Specificity and Sensitivity", Molecular Neurobiology, doi:10.1007/s12035-016-0334-0
- ↑ Schlauch, Karen A.; Khaiboullina, Svetlana F.; De Meirleir, Kenny L.; Rawat, Shanti; Petereit, J; Rizvanov, Albert A; Blatt, Nataliya; Mijatovic, Tatjana; Kulick, D; Palotás, András; Lombardi, Vincent C. (2016), "Genome-wide association analysis identifies genetic variations in subjects with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome", Translational Psychiatry, 6 (2): e730, doi:10.1038/tp.2015.208
- ↑ De Meirleir, Kenny L.; Mijatovic, Tatjana; Subramanian, Krishnamurthy; Schlauch, Karen A.; Lombardi, Vincent C. (2018), "Evaluation of four clinical laboratory parameters for the diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis", Journal of Translational Medicine, 16 (1): 322, doi:10.1186/s12967-018-1696-z
- ↑ http://www.investinme.org/IIMEC2.shtml#agenda
- ↑ http://www.investinme.org/IIMEC4.shtml#agenda
- ↑ http://www.investinme.org/IIMEC6.shtml#agenda