Uploads by Notjusttired

From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
13:48, June 12, 2024 VitaminDReceptor-MitochondriaFunction.png (file) 421 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Vitamin D Receptor Is Necessary for Mitochondrial Function and Cell Health ==== Author: (or citation) ==== Ricca C, Aillon A, Bergandi L, Alotto D, Castagnoli C, Silvagno F. [Ricca C, Aillon A, Bergandi L, Alotto D, Castagnoli C, Silvagno F. Vitamin D Receptor Is Necessary for Mitochondrial Function and Cell Health. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018; 19(6):1672. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms19061672 Vitamin D Receptor Is Necessary for Mitoc... 1
15:04, December 2, 2023 Herpesvirus reactivation triggers.jpeg (file) 249 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== “Classical” and “novel” triggers of herpesvirus reactivation.<br> Both types of triggers are able to induce reactivation of latent herpesviruses. The respective signal transduction pathways that are activated may be shared, or may vary depending on the stimulus, the cell type and the virus. Although reactivation is usually not associated with disease, it may be accompanied by clinical symptoms under certain circumstances. ==== Author: (or citation) ==== Stoe... 1
12:50, July 25, 2023 MaeveBoothbyONeill.jpg (file) 139 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Maeve Boothby-O'Neill ==== Author: (or citation) ==== Sarah Boothby and Sean O'Neill ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== [https://www.somersetlive.co.uk/news/real-life/mums-heartbreak-daughter-27-loses-7641022] ==== Other information: ==== 1
11:15, October 19, 2022 Heart drawing.png (file) 583 KB Add white background behind heart to improve portal icon appearance (avoiding background color) 2
14:45, September 30, 2022 Logo icon.svg (file) 165 KB ===='''Important note'''==== PNG previews should be ignored, instead click on the original file to view. ==== Title: (or description) ==== Logo icon (main logo) with tagline, transparent background - designed to go over anything but dark / black Timel... 1
14:40, September 30, 2022 Logo icon-black.svg (file) 165 KB == Summary == ===='''Important note'''==== PNG Previews should be ignored, instead click on the original file to view. ==== Title: (or description) ==== Logo icon (main logo) with tagline, white text and black background - designed to go over dark / b... 1
13:56, September 30, 2022 Logo icon-only.svg (file) 113 KB ===='''Important note'''==== PNG Previews should be ignored, instead click on the original file to view. ==== Title: (or description) ==== Logo icon (main logo) with tagline, transparent background - designed to go over anything but dark / black Timel... 1
13:32, September 28, 2022 Logo wordmark-white.png (file) 6 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Wordmark logo in white, transparent background - designed to go over red (pivot). Size 250px wide, 85px high. ==== Author: (or citation) ==== User:Notjusttired on behalf of ME-pedia.org ==== Source: (e.g. interne... 1
13:25, September 28, 2022 Logo wordmark.png (file) 7 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Wordmark logo in red, transparent background - designed to go over white (vector) or black (timeless). Size 250px wide, 85px high. ==== Author: (or citation) ==== User:Notjusttired on behalf of ME-pedia.org ====... 1
21:46, September 25, 2022 Symbol redirect arrow with gradient.svg (file) 493 bytes ==== Title: (or description) ==== reupload ==== Author: (or citation) ==== ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== ==== Other information: ==== 1
20:15, September 6, 2022 Pituitary-anterior.jpg (file) 180 KB compress slightly 2
11:52, September 3, 2022 ME-CFS-patient-Unrest.jpg (file) 180 KB Smaller pixel size (4,000 x 3,000 was excessive). 2
04:05, May 9, 2022 Symbol redirect arrow with gradient RTL.png (file) 2 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Redirect icon for right to left languages, clear contrast on both light and dark skins ==== Author: (or citation) ==== Ebrahim on Wikimedia commons Date Apr 27, 2021 based on: [[Commons:Symbol_redirect_arrow_with_grad... 1
03:50, May 9, 2022 Symbol redirect arrow with gradient.png (file) 2 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Redirect icon for template, clear contrast on both light and dark skins ==== Author: (or citation) ==== Chris McKenna on Wikimedia Commons November 27, 2013 based on: Commons:Symbol_redirect_vote2.svg by Benoit Roc... 1
03:41, May 9, 2022 Symbol redirect arrow with gradient RTL.svg (file) 495 bytes ==== Title: (or description) ==== Redirect icon for right to left languages, clear contrast on both light and dark skins ==== Author: (or citation) ==== Ebrahim on Wikimedia commons Date Apr 27, 2021 based on: [[Commons:Symbol_redirect_arrow_with_gradi... 1
15:41, May 1, 2022 The Why MECFS book cover.jpg (file) 86 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Book cover of The Why: The Historic ME/CFS Call To Arms by Hillary Johnson. ==== Author: (or citation) ==== ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== [https://www.amazon.com/Why-Historic-CFS-Call-Arms/dp/05783... 1
18:17, April 13, 2022 Ampligen-response-2016.jpg (file) 35 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Ampligen (Rintatinamol) trial results summary. Figure 5. AMP-516 plot of ET difference from baseline in seconds at 40 weeks treatment (ordinate) per each patient (abscissa). Plot of ET differe... 1
20:45, April 9, 2022 ME-CFS-quoteAliceHattrick.png (file) 135 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== It’s still an impossible diagnosis—too serious to be fake, too subjective to be real. —Alice Hattrick on ME/CFS ==== Author: (or citation) ==== [https://me-pedia.org ME-pedia] Words by Alice Hattrick... 1
12:56, April 9, 2022 IllFeelingsbook.jpg (file) 33 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Ill Feelings: stories of unexplained illness book cover, Scribe Publications edition ==== Author: (or citation) ==== ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== [https://scribepublications.com.au/books-authors/books... 1
02:37, April 9, 2022 ChronicIllnessInclusion-logo.jpg (file) 14 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Chronic Illness Inclusion logo ==== Author: (or citation) ==== ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== https://chronicillnessinclusion.org.uk/ ==== Other information: ==== Only for use on the organization's page 1
01:27, March 27, 2022 TheDeepPlaces-RossDouthat.jpg (file) 35 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== The Deep Places: A Memoir of Illness and Recovery by Ross Douthat - book cover ==== Author: (or citation) ==== Ross Douthat ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== *[https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/6... 1
04:24, March 26, 2022 ME-CFS-sicknottired.png (file) 540 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== We're sick, not tired. - Julie Rehmeyer, ME/CFS patient ==== Author: (or citation) ==== User:Notjusttired on ME-pedia.org ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== Own work. Quote from [https://www.america... 1
22:07, March 10, 2022 SevereMECFS-mono-gastro.png (file) 57 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Predicting severe ME/CFS after infectious mononucleosis using: *low levels of IL-13 and/or IL-5 *stomach pain *bloating, and * symptoms o... 1
21:46, February 28, 2022 MECFS-neuroeffects-brain.jpg (file) 45 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Key neurological pathomechanisms in ME/CFS are intracranial hypertension, impaired cerebral blood flow, Hyperventilation/hypocapnia, and adrenergic hyperactivity. Decreased CBF, disturbed local blood flow re... 1
11:33, February 22, 2022 ME-CFS Dysbiosis leakygut.png (file) 1.07 MB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Role of dysbiosis and gut permeability in ME/CFS pathogenesis. ==== Author: (or citation) ==== {{Cite journal|title=The Emerging Role of Gut Microbiota in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chron... 1
15:38, February 7, 2022 Feedingtube-ME-CFS.jpeg (file) 114 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== A feeding tube provides all nutrition and hydration (water/fluids) for Whitney Dafoe, a patient with very severe ME who developed severe gastroparesis that prevents... 1
15:29, February 7, 2022 SevereME-CFS-PICC-photosensitivity.jpeg (file) 202 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== A PICC line inserted into a vein for IV nutrition kept Whitney Dafoe alive when he could not eat or drink even the smallest amounts due to severe gastroparesis. Severe [[photophonia|light sensi... 1
15:04, February 7, 2022 VerySevereME-CFS weightloss.jpeg (file) 142 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Whitney Dafoe with very severe ME/CFS and slowly starving prior to getting a feeding tube. Weighing just 115 lbs, dizzy and extremely weak from starvation, he was in great distress. His mother, Janet Dafoe,... 1
18:08, February 6, 2022 Post-exertional Malaise dimensions ME CFS.png (file) 106 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Five dimensions of post-exertional malaise in ME/CFS. Post-exertional malaise (PEM) is not the same as post-exertional symptom exacerbation. ==== Author: (or citation) ==== [https://me-pedia.org ME-pedia.o... 1
22:24, February 5, 2022 Boom-and-bust-activity-cycle-animated.gif (file) 95 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Boom and bust cycle of over activity and crashes caused by post-exertional malaise, in ME/CFS. ==== Author: (or citation) ==== [https://me-pedia.org ME-pedia.org] ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== Own... 1
22:21, February 5, 2022 Boom-bust-cycle-ME-CFS-crashes.png (file) 214 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Boom and bust cycle of over activity / exceeding energy limits followed by crashes in ME/CFS. ==== Author: (or citation) ==== [https://me-pedia.org ME-pedia.org] ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== Own work... 1
18:28, January 30, 2022 Endocrinesystem.jpg (file) 258 KB newer version 3
00:50, January 29, 2022 ThyroidAnterior.jpg (file) 41 KB Re-did cropping from original, shrinking to 500px wide. 2
21:28, January 26, 2022 Cyclophosphamide-2000-results.png (file) 67 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Cyclophosphamide ME/CFS trial results extended follow-up.<br> Key: <br> (A): SF-36 Physical Function (SF-36-PF); (B) percent function level; (C): mean steps per 24hrs; CI: confidence intervals.<br/> Numbers of patie... 1
21:59, January 23, 2022 BridgesAndPathwaysLogo.png (file) 135 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Bridges and Pathways Institute logo ==== Author: (or citation) ==== Bridges and Pathways Institute ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== [https://www.facebook.com/bridgepath/photos/a.237750942946317/320925... 1
01:23, January 16, 2022 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-symptoms-diagram.jpg (file) 118 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== '''Symptoms and effects of chronic fatigue syndrome.''' ==== Author: (or citation) ==== <ref name="Bjorklund2019">https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0753332218342987</ref> ==== Source: (e.g. internet ad... 1
22:36, January 9, 2022 ME-CFS Lyme Ass WA logo.png (file) 78 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== logo of ME/CFS and Lyme Association of WA Inc ==== Author: (or citation) ==== ME/CFS and Lyme Association of WA Inc ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== [https://www.facebook.com/ME.CFS.Western.Australia/photo... 1
22:10, January 9, 2022 FNC.jpg (file) 46 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Logo for Far North Coast ME/CFS Association Inc ==== Author: (or citation) ==== Far North Coast ME/CFS Association Inc. ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== [https://www.facebook.com/FNCMECFSAssoc/photos/a.31... 1
18:04, January 7, 2022 MCS-IEI-biomarker-VOCs.png (file) 103 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== '''Multiple Chemical Sensitivity patients versus control exhaled VOCs'''<br> Basal exhaled Volatile organic compound data for MCS and controls, acquired with the ORT-VOC, are shown in a density plot. ==== Author: (or c... 1
17:55, January 7, 2022 MCS-hypoxia-model.png (file) 123 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== A model of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. The putative pathways elicited by sensitizing molecules in the activation of vicious NO/NOO− cycle, stimulating lactate production and tissue hypoxia leading to acidosis and... 1
16:52, January 7, 2022 Foreverchemicals.gif (file) 62 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a highly persistent and potentially toxic class of chemicals, are added to cosmetics to increase their durability and water resistance. ==== Author: (or citation) ==== {{Cite... 1
00:47, December 23, 2021 Anaerobic-aerobic-exercise-fuel-differences.jpg (file) 64 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== The effect of exercise intensity on fuel sources. Anaerobic exercise uses only glucose for energy, [[anaerobic_and_aerobic_metabolism#aerobic_exercise|aer... 1
00:28, December 23, 2021 Anaerobic-aerobic-exercise-by-time.png (file) 517 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== The effect of exercise intensity on fuel sources. Anaerobic exercise] uses only [[glucose for energy, [[anaerobic_and_aerobic metabolism#aerobic_exercise|aero... 1
23:56, December 22, 2021 Aerobic-anaerobic-metabolism.jpg (file) 66 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Fuel Sources for Anaerobic and Aerobic Metabolism ==== Author: (or citation) ==== Allison Calabrese ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== {{Cite book|title=Nutrition: Science an... 1
12:25, December 19, 2021 RICE injury treatment.jpg (file) 16 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Rest Ice Compression Elevate therapy for injuries (RICE method) ==== Author: (or citation) ==== https://www.injurymap.com ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== https://www.injurymap.com/free-human-anatomy-illu... 1
00:33, December 16, 2021 Im not crazy CFS book cover.jpg (file) 33 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Book cover of I'm Not Crazy, I'm Just a Little Unwell: My Journey Through Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ==== Author: (or citation) ==== ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== https://www.abebooks.com/9781876825355/C... 1
22:26, December 14, 2021 South Africa RSA flag.png (file) 6 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Flag for the Republic of South Africa (RSA). ==== Author: (or citation) ==== ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== Wikimedia commons but public domain so no attribution needed. ==== Other information: ==== (... 1
11:36, December 8, 2021 AnnaBrooks.jpg (file) 22 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Dr Anna Brooks, Auckland, New Zealand ==== Author: (or citation) ==== Provided by Anna Brooks ==== Source: (e.g. internet address) ==== Google scholar profile of Anna Brooks ==== Other information: ==== For use on... 1
01:45, December 5, 2021 FibroArt-FridaKahlo.jpg (file) 84 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== The Broken Column by Frida Kahlo, 1944 (photographed) ==== Author: (or citation) ==== Frida Kahlo, The Broken Column 1944, Mudec Milano. Photographed on May 3, 2018. Photograph by Ambra75. ==== Source: (e.g. intern... 1
03:32, November 30, 2021 Toxic-positivity-chronicillness.png (file) 105 KB ==== Title: (or description) ==== Chronic illness and toxic positivity quote. Popular books preach a type of control by strong mind and positive attitude, which motivates some to a better life but crushes others. The chronically ill can berate themselv... 1
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