Portal:Digestive system

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Digestive system

The gastrointestinal system is an organ system which takes in food, digests it to extract and absorb energy and nutrients, and expels the remaining waste as feces. It consists of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines, and is divided into the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts.

Autonomic nervous system dysfunction of the gut, dysmotility, dysbiosis, and potentially, gut pathogens, are all thought to contribute to the symptoms of ME. (more...)

Selected article

Bifidobacteria are gram positive, anaerobic bacteria that are ubiquitous in a healthy gastrointestinal tract. They are protective against intestinal permeability. Decreased populations of bifidiobacteria have been associated with vitamin K deficiency, irritable bowel syndrome, and autism. (more...)

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Selected biography

Lucinda Bateman (Cindy Bateman), MD, is an ME/CFS doctor and researcher. She founded and is Chief Medical Officer of the Bateman Horne Center of Excellence for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia in Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr. Bateman was one of the authors of the 2011 case definition, International Consensus Criteria, and was one of the experts on the "Committee on the Diagnostic Criteria for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" that was convened for the 2015 Institute of Medicine report. (more...)

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Selected picture
Digestive system changes after exercise.png
Digestive system response to exercise in ME/CFS differs from that in healthy people.

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