Indre Bileviciute Ljungar

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Source:Karolinska Institutet

Indre Bileviciute Ljungar, MD, PhD, is an Associated Professor in rehabilitation medicine at the Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital, Karolinska Institutet (a medical university in Solna), Sweden. Her research interests are: myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), stress exhaustion syndrome and chronic pain.[1]

Talks and interviews[edit | edit source]

Conference DVD available

Research studies[edit | edit source]

Online presence[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  2. Maroti, D; Westerberg, AF; Saury, JM; Bileviciute-Ljungar, I (2015), "Computerized training improves verbal working memory in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: A pilot study", Journal of Rehabilitaton Medicine, 47 (7): 665-8, doi:10.2340/16501977-1976
  3. Ericsson, A; Palstam, A; Larsson, A; Löfgren, M; Bileviciute-Ljungar, I; Bjersing, J; Gerdle, B; Kosek, E; Mannerkorpi, K (2016), "Resistance exercise improves physical fatigue in women with fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial", Arthritis Research & Therapy, 1 (8): 176, doi:10.1186/s13075-016-1073-3
  4. Theorell, Jakob; Bileviciute-Ljungar, Indre; Tesi, Bianca; Schlums, Heinrich; Johnsgaard, Mette Sophie; Asadi-Azarbaijani, Babak; Strand, Elin Boole; Bryceson, Yenan T. (2017), "Unperturbed Cytotoxic Lymphocyte Phenotype and Function in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients", Frontiers in Immunology, doi:10.3389/fimmu.2017.00723
  5. Jonsjö, Martin A.; Wicksell, Rikard K.; Holmström, Linda; Andreasson, Anna; Bileviciute-Ljungar, Indre; Olsson, Gunnar L. (2017), "Identifying symptom subgroups in patients with ME/CFS – relationships to functioning and quality of life", Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, 5 (1): 33-42, doi:10.1080/21641846.2017.1287546
  6. Maroti, D; Molander, P; Bileviciute-Ljungar, I (2017), "Differences in alexithymia and emotional awareness in exhaustion syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome", Scand J Psychol, 58 (1): 52-61, doi:10.1111/sjop.12332
  7. Bileviciute Ljungar, Indre; Maroti, Daniel; Bejerot, Susanne (2018), "Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome do not score higher on the Autism-apectrum quotient than healthy controls: comparison with autism spectrum disorder", Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
  8. Maroti, Daniel; Bileviciute-Ljungar, Indre (September 10, 2018). "Similarities and differences between health-related quality of life in patients with exhaustion syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome". Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior: 1–12. doi:10.1080/21641846.2018.1515583. ISSN 2164-1846.
  9. Bileviciute-Ljungar, I.; Maroti, D.; Friberg, D. (October 2019). "Alexithymia and emotional awareness are negatively associated with sleep parameters in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome – An exploratory study". Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 405: 99. doi:10.1016/j.jns.2019.10.403.
  10. Bileviciute-Ljungar, I. (October 2019). "Stress-load and it's correlation with infections in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome". Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 405: 100. doi:10.1016/j.jns.2019.10.406.