Martine McCutcheon

From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history

Martine McCutcheon is a UK actress, singer and TV personality who lives with ME and secondary depression. She speaks candidly about her battle with these diseases, especially the seven to eight years when the ME was severe, and the impact on her personal well-being as well as career and finances.[1] Work opportunities dried up because as she stated, she "kept collapsing on set."[2] She ended up declaring bankruptcy[3].

In a 2016 TV interview, she spoke of becoming ill after several infections, the need to pace her activities, and being so ill she couldn't bathe, wash her hair or lift the remote. She could barely walk six feet to look out the window and used a wheelchair for a short time. She spoke about getting depression secondary to her ME: "[I suffered depression but] not before the ME ... which I think is a separate thing because anybody with a chronic illness for a long period a time would get down and get depressed ...and I think that I had depression as well, as a separate thing." She, also, spoke about believing the hormonal changes of pregnancy helped: "It was kind of like a reset. Don't get me wrong, I still have to manage it [ME], like you do with a lot of chronic illnesses."[4]

In an interview in 2013, Martine stated the Lightning Process as one of the many things that helped improved her health, as well as rest, pacing, juicing, cleansing, and good nutrition[5][6]

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