Talk:List of ME/CFS studies controlling for deconditioning

From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history

Creating new pages[edit source | reply | new]

Hi User:Forestglip. Can you add the relevant subheadings when you start a new page, and make sure you choose a category for it. Example headings can be copied from MEpedia:Article_oulines but typically See also, Learn more, References and others should be on pages. (The article outlines are for pasting into source view rather than the visual editor.)

I think perhaps this page would be better renamed as "List of studies controlling for..." and put in the Category:Lists, although there is also Category:Notable studies. I am not entirely sure if this page is only for ME/CFS studies and if it's only for exercise studies, or is it only for treatment trials? All clinical trials and research studies are expected to control for multiple other factors (although many of the BPS/CBT/GET ones did not control for key things such as bias in patients questionnaires), so perhaps an altered page name or intro line could clarify this.

Thank you for your work and many edits. ~Njt (talk) 21:17, June 12, 2024 (UTC)

Re: Creating new pages -- Forestglip (talk) 18:59, June 17, 2024 (UTC)[edit source | reply | new]

I think I managed to do all edits you suggested. Let me know if the rewritten paragraph or title need to be edited further. Forestglip (talk) 18:59, June 17, 2024 (UTC)