Talk:Energy Envelope Theory duplicate
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Energy Envelope Theory should remain a separate page because it is a theory that Dr. Leonard Jason developed and tested. Although it is a form of pacing, Energy Envelope Theory's development, history, and studies should remain distinct. Kmdenmark (talk) 15:05, 15 August 2018 (EDT)
Energy Envelope Theory A self-management tool developed and tested by Dr. Leonard Jason to reduce symptom severity and the frequency of post-exertional malaise or relapses for people with ME/CFS. According to this theory, ME/CFS patients should not expend more energy than they perceive they have, as this results in post-exertional malaise and higher disability. Instead patients are advised to stay within their energy envelope, meaning the physical limits the disease has imposed upon them. As the energy envelope theory also cautions about the dangers of under-exertion, its principles are almost identical to ‘pacing’, an activity management strategy for ME patients devised by Ellen Goudsmit in the UK.