User talk:Paulitasofia1
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-- New user message (talk) 12:15, 28 June 2018 (PDT)
POTS Image[edit source | reply | new]
Hi Paulitasofia1: Thanks for adding an image. You will need to put in the following:
TITLE: Usually provided by the author.
SOURCE: Link to where the image came from.
AUTHOR: Link to the author page.
LICENSE: Link to the type of license which is usually provided on the image's source provided on Wikimedia Commons or research paper.
During the upload process, you can select the license. But you can still put the information in now.
Here is an example of how you can enter a license now:
If you uploaded any other images, please provide this information.
When you upload a file and select a license then, the license will populate.
Example of a populated license:
--MEcfsFMS (talk) 17:00, 25 October 2018 (EDT)
Licensing on Images[edit source | reply | new]
Please do not upload images without the license. Others have to go back and do this and it has to be input manually instead of the choice you get when uploading. One of the images is copyrighted and had to be removed from the PET page and is marked for deletion.--MEandCFS (talk) 12:07, 27 February 2019 (EST)
- The images you uploaded are not properly sourced. The citations go to a generic article without images. Where did these images come from? How can they be licensed if we do not know where they came from? If they are from this article that is cited, are they for pay only registrations? If they are, that is fine but the actual image should note this and have the license from that source.--MEandCFS (talk) 12:13, 27 February 2019 (EST)