MediaWiki talk:Newarticle
From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history
Suggestion -- notjusttired (talk) 08:40, September 18, 2019 (EDT)[edit source | reply | new]
This is the default text for any new page. I suggest adding a particular outline that would suit any page. It would save some typing, but would it be annoying for those that always start from an article outline? This is only useful if it is for the main namespace only - we don't want templates starting like this. Perhaps:
==See also== ==Learn more== ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Add at least one category eg [[Category:Signs and symptoms]] -->
- Interesting idea, but I think this might be confusing to a new user trying to figure out how to copy-and-paste an article outline. New users already have enough trouble with this, and the help pages specify that article outlines are only to be pasted into completely empty new pages. If we do this, I think we should get rid of the article outlines altogether.
- Pyrrhus (talk) 16:04, September 19, 2019 (EDT)