Talk:Postviral fatigue syndrome

From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history

Corrections suggested: Ollie (talk) 03:55, 7 July 2018 (PDT)

Suggestions for corrections[edit source | reply | new]

1 Re the statement: "Under ICD-10, a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) diagnosis excludes a PVFS diagnosis."

This is not the case for the WHO's ICD-10. It applies only to the U.S. specific ICD-10-CM (which is a clinical modification of the WHO's ICD-10). In the WHO's ICD-10, Chronic fatigue syndrome is not included in the Tabular List (Volume 1) but is included in the Alphabetical Index (Volume 3), where it is indexed to the G93.3 code - so in the WHO's version, it takes the same code as PVFS.

If MEpedia is to have global relevance and accuracy, its editors will need to understand that the WHO publishes ICD-10 which many Member States use. But a number of countries are licensed by the WHO to develop country specific "clinical modifications" of ICD-10 and they are responsible for the content and the updating of these adapted versions.

The U.S. uses "ICD-10-CM" which is developed and maintained by NCHS/CDC. Germany uses an adaptation called "ICD-10-GM" which is maintained by DIMDI. Canada has its own adaptation, "ICD-10-CA", and Australia uses "ICD-10-AM". The chapter placement and coding of PVFS, BME and CFS in these three "clinical modifications" all differ from each other and in the case of the U.S., Canada and Germany, from the WHO's unmodified ICD-10.

Any reference to the classification of the terms PVFS, BME and CFS in the U.S.'s ICD-10-CM, needs to be placed in the context of the WHO's ICD-10 classification, and in the context of the classification of these terms in ICD-10-CA; ICD-10-GM and ICD-10-AM.

2 Re the statement: "The proposal for ICD-11 is PVFS be deprecated (no longer its own concept title, diagnosis, and code) and can be, along with Postviral syndrome, (PVS) a synonym under the concept title of Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).[2]"

It needs to be clarified that the above is not a WHO proposal for ICD-11.

The document

sets out a joint proposal submitted to ICD-11 by Chapman and Dimmock, in March 2017. There is also a proposal (submitted March 2017, by Lily Chu on behalf of IACFS/ME), that does not propose deprecating PVFS but proposes that all three terms should be given a discrete code. There is also a proposal from a WHO member of staff (submitted November 2017). If you are going to make reference to the Chapman and Dimmock proposal then it would be logical to reference all current proposals for ICD-11. The current status of proposals for ICD-11 is set out in this document:

Progression of PVFS, ME and CFS through the ICD-11 drafting platforms:

With reference to the term "Postviral syndrome, (PVS)" in the statement above. There is no term "Postviral syndrome, (PVS)" in ICD-10 or proposed for ICD-11, and the term has not been used in the Chapman and Dimmock proposal document. So this term needs deleting.

3 Re use of the site: as reference source.

This site is a U.S. commercial data scraping site. It is not a reliable source for information on ICD coding outside the U.S.

I would advise that you only use official sources.

For the WHO's ICD-10, use the ICD-10 browser:

For the U.S. specific ICD-10-CM use the CDC site:

The Tabular List for Canada's ICD-10-CA is here:

The Tabular List for Germany's ICD-10-GM is here:

The Tabular List for Australia's ICD-10-AM is not publicly available.

Error in Reference[edit source | reply | new]

5 Chapman, Suzy; Chapman, Mary (2017). "Proposal for the ICD-10 G93.3 legacy terms for ICD-11" (PDF).

Please correct to: Chapman, Suzy; Dimmock, Mary (2017). "Proposal for the ICD-10 G93.3 legacy terms for ICD-11" (PDF).

Fixed by Mary Dimmock - September 17, 2018

Inconsistent punctuation around category terms[edit source | reply | new]

Mary Dimmock and Suzy Chapman for example propose to list PVFS in the upcoming ICD-11 as a synonym term under a new concept title Myalgic encephalomyelitis.[5] The proposal of the IACFS/ME, written by Lily Chu[6], however suggests to retain the term PVFS as a concept title and to simply elevate the terms chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and "myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) to concept titles at the same level, with each of the three terms given a unique code.

References[edit source | reply | new]

Lots of references on PVFS in:

- Katz & jason (2013) Chronic fatigue syndrome following infections in adolescents.

- Blomberg et al. (2018) Infection Elicited Autoimmunity and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An Explanatory Model