
From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history

to avoid edit wars etc, please can we discuss contentious topics on this page

-- #1 Terminology & Criteria --

(a) ME-pedia generally uses the phrase ""ME/CFS", unless there is a specific reason to differentiate between "Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)" and "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)". (refer to note on main page)

(b) if we have no evidence of most/many/some/few australians preferring a specific name, or diagnostic criteria, or having a strong or weak preference, we need to use neutral words - eg "some".

-- #2 Medical Guidelines --

(a) many AUS advocacy groups list MULTIPLE guidelines, without any clear preference/endorsement.
without evidence of a preference, we need to use neutral words.

from their websites (as of March 2016):

  • Emerge - ICP, CCP, RACP (2002), Fukuda (1994), Paediatric (Jason 2006), Psychiatric (Stein 2005)
  • Canberra - ICP, IOM (2015)
  • South Australia - ICP, CCP, South Aust guidelines (incl CCC), Fukuda (1994)
  • Queensland - no criteria listed on website
  • Western Australia - CCP, Paediatric (Jason 2006), Psychiatric (Stein 2005)
  • NSW - IACFS/ME 2013, ICP, CCP, Paediatric (Jason 2006), Psychiatric (Stein 2005)

(b) the phrase 'current australian guidelines' is ambiguous - we need to clarify this.
various medical associations & govt groups use different guidelines (eg RACP, RACGP, AMA, Dept of Health, SA Dept of Health).

-- #3 evidence of lobbying --

(a) until we have evidence, we cannot claim the 'majority of state organisations' are lobbying for the ICP.

--Suelala (talk) 04:15, 28 March 2016 (PDT)

as per the ME-Pedia Editorial Guidelines, please use primary citations, and avoid excessive self-citation.

Suelala (talk) 10:14, 8 December 2018 (EST)