Uploads by DxCFS

From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history

This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
13:29, June 8, 2017 J Brea TED.JPG (file) 22 KB Jennifer Brea - Source: TED.com From Talk "What happens when you have a disease doctors can't diagnose" 1
02:10, May 10, 2017 Verywell.PNG (file) 2 KB Source: Verywell Website 1
01:58, May 10, 2017 Adrienne Dellwo.PNG (file) 282 KB Source: Verywell Bio Page for Adrienne Dellwo 1
15:09, April 16, 2017 Fibro Tender Points.png (file) 32 KB Source: Wiki Commons Fibromyalgia Tender Points 1990 Criteria 1
14:57, April 16, 2017 Fibro Widespread Pain.png (file) 39 KB Source: WIKI Community Commons Widespread Pain Index (WPI) 2010 Provisional/Proposed Criteria 1
02:05, April 7, 2017 David Bell.jpg (file) 6 KB Dr. David S. Bell Source: FaceBook 1
19:21, April 4, 2017 Zaher Nahle.png (file) 43 KB Source: Solve ME/CFS Initiative solvecfs.org 1
02:51, March 17, 2017 SSA3.PNG (file) 72 KB Source: SSA Twitter Page 1
02:42, March 17, 2017 SSA2.jpg (file) 55 KB Source: SSA Twitter Page 1
00:46, September 5, 2016 Naviaux Header Logo 2x.png (file) 33 KB Source: Naviaux Lab Site 1
14:56, August 28, 2016 Authors of Our Own Misfortune.jpg (file) 23 KB Source: Amazon.com Paperback Book Jacket 1
15:10, August 25, 2016 WesselyS - Inflamed Mind.PNG (file) 43 KB Tweet Screen Shot fro @WesselyS, Simon Wessely. He Tweeted notice on August 23rd "Tomorrow is good day for those interested in links between immune system and psychiatry - @BBCr4today then @BBCRadio4 "Inflamed Mind' 21.00" - Podcast has 30 days to lis... 1
02:55, August 18, 2016 US May12.org.png (file) 116 KB Source: Twitter @May12.org 1
02:37, August 18, 2016 Logo MAY12th.org.png (file) 7 KB Source: Logo May12th.org Site 1
02:32, August 12, 2016 Spinal-cord-conus-medullaris-cauda-equina-filum-terminale-sacral-lumbar-thoracic-cervical-spinal-nerves.jpg (file) 89 KB Source: Antranik.org Spinal Cord 1
23:25, August 11, 2016 Parasympathetic-division-cranial-outflow-and-sacral-outflow.jpg (file) 128 KB Source: Antranik.org 1
23:17, August 11, 2016 Sympathetic.jpg (file) 102 KB Source: Antranik.org 1
22:37, August 11, 2016 Anatomic-differences-in-sympathetic-and-parasympathetic-divisions.jpg (file) 238 KB Source: Antranik.org 1
02:57, July 29, 2016 Raynaud's.jpg (file) 72 KB Source: NIH - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 1
00:59, July 29, 2016 ME-CFS Brain Images.jpg (file) 62 KB Source: New York Times WELL - fMRI Scan by Michael Zeineh 1
00:47, July 29, 2016 Vanessa Li.jpg (file) 7 KB Source: FaceBook - In memory of Vanessa Yeuk Lin Li 1
23:48, July 28, 2016 Osler's Web.png (file) 88 KB Source: Amazon 1
19:03, July 28, 2016 Cort Johnson.jpg (file) 6 KB File from ProHealth 1
01:52, July 28, 2016 Nicole Castillo.jpeg (file) 34 KB   1
01:41, July 28, 2016 Forgotten Plague.jpeg (file) 44 KB   1
01:28, July 28, 2016 FP 2.jpg (file) 196 KB   1
01:18, July 28, 2016 Hillary Johnson.jpg (file) 25 KB   1
01:14, July 28, 2016 Ryan Prior.jpg (file) 9 KB   1