MEpedia:Multilingual pages

From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history

How to make pages multilingual[edit | edit source]

Note: Only pages in the main namespace (original articles) must be "multilingual". We'll refer to the articles in a language different from the wiki default as "language versions" of a multilingual page.
  1. Add a page to the category Multilingual pages. After saving, the new Edit with form tab will be added to the page tools menu.
  2. Edit the page with a form:
    1. Choose or add localized page names for each of the supported languages
    2. Save changes
  3. The new block with the text This page is available in other languages: and links to previously set pages in the corresponding language namespaces will be added.
  4. Click the link with the language name to navigate to the language version of the page. The wiki interface and the category banner will respect the current page language and be adapted accordingly.
  5. The language version page will link back to the original article and all pages in this language namespace.
Note: Admins are to save page content language to the database for absolute setup correctness. The Language tab in the page tools menu provides an interface for this.

How the multilingual content is stored[edit | edit source]

We have separate namespaces for each of the supported languages:

and the respective Talk pages.