Jørgen Jelstad
From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history

Jørgen Jelstad (b.1979) is a Norwegian physiotherapist and journalist who has written for Dagens Næringsliv Magasinet, VG, Dagsavisen, and Utdanning. He attended Oslo University College.[1] Inspired by his mother who has ME, he began writing a book about her experiences called De Bortgjemte - og hvordan ME ble vår tids mest omstridte sykdom (The Hidden – and how ME/CFS became the most controversial disease of our time).[2] Presently, the book is only available in Norwegian.
After publication of his book, De Bortgjemte, he has traveled Norway speaking about ME, the controversy behind the diagnosis and and latest in research developments.[3]
Talks and interviews[edit | edit source]
2012, He spoke about his book at the 7th Invest in ME International ME Conference 2012
Articles[edit | edit source]
- 2011, Dagbladet Ta ME på alvor
- 2011, Bergens Tidende På tide at Wilhelmsen modererer seg
- 2012, Aftenposten Synsing om enkeltdiagnoser
- 2013, Dagens Medisin Kognitiv svikt i ME-debatten
- 2015, Dagens Medisin Hvorfor skal ME-pasienter tåle mer synsing enn andre?
- 2015, Dagens Medisin ME-debatten må ta utgangspunkt i forskning
Learn more[edit | edit source]
- May 4, 2016, The Male Pattern Baldness Disease? Chronic Fatigue Syndrome’s Chronic Lack of Research Funding by Jørgen Jelstad
- Jelstad's website and blog about the book and his extensive research on ME