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Capillary fragility

From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history
(Redirected from Bruising)

Capillary fragility is manifested by the appearance of extensive point hemorrhagic spots (petechiae, bruises and hematomas). This may occur especially on the face and legs. The condition is determined by the tendency of the capillaries to spontaneously break, releasing the blood content in the surrounding area.

Alterations in capillary fragility (ACF) can be determined by different causes and be associated with many diseases; these can be congenital, alterations caused by drugs, microtraumas or other diseases such as collagen diseases. [1][2]

Evaluation methods[edit | edit source]

Capillary fragility can typically be evaluated with the vacuum suction method (VSM) using Parrot's angiosterrometer. [3] [4]

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Romano, C; Costa, M; Rapisarda, M; Messina, M; Bertini, M (2018), "Treatment of Capillary Fragility in Subjects with Spontaneous Hematomas", Journal of Clinical Case Reports, 8 (7), doi:10.4172/2165-7920.10001152
  2. Brown, Edward E. (August 1947), "Diseases associated with low capillary resistance", American Heart Journal, 34 (2): 241-248, doi:10.1016/0002-8703(47)90293-7
  3. Szolnoky, G; Nagy, N; Kovács, R K; Dósa-Rácz, E; Szabó, A; Bársony, K; Balogh, M; Kemény, L (2008), "Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy Decreases Capillary Fragility in Lipedema", Lymphology, 41 (4): 161-6
  4. Szolnoky, G; Ifeoluwa, A; Tuczai, M; Varga, E; Varga, M; Dosa-Racz, E; Kemeny, L (2017), "Measurement of Capillary Fragility: A Useful Tool to Differentiate Lipedema From Obesity?", Lymphology, 50 (4): 203-209