Talk:Guido den Broeder

From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history
Revision as of 11:26, September 12, 2019 by Malcx (talk | contribs) (→‎Relevant content)
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Relevant content[edit source | reply | new]

Re Edit 68335

>>really? you created an account just so you could thrash this page?

Thanks but if you familiarize yourself with wiki software you'd have been able to see this account made an edit in Feb of this year to an entirely unrelated page.

Anyway, thank you for adding relevant info about the movie and it's connection. However whilst it's a personal achievement, I still don't see the relevance of Chess and suggest it should be removed to keep articles concise and on topic.

All the best Malcx (talk) 06:56, September 8, 2019 (EDT)

Can you see it now? Guido den Broeder (talk) 15:45, September 9, 2019 (EDT)
Yes but there is still a lot of content and references on this page not related to, or of interest to ME/CFS that should be edited out. Malcx (talk) 21:14, September 9, 2019 (EDT)
Feel free to point them out. Keep in mind that my total number of publications runs in the hundreds, and the section on advocacy is still far from complete. Guido den Broeder (talk) 21:49, September 9, 2019 (EDT)
Edit 68459 is just 1 easy example, your novel is off topic. This resources is not meant for self-promotion. Malcx (talk) 21:52, September 9, 2019 (EDT)
It's not intended for self-degradation either. The novel is relevant because the male protagonist suffers from brain damage. I've written it to demonstrate some of the difficulties that ME patients encounter. Guido den Broeder (talk) 22:03, September 9, 2019 (EDT)
It still seems off topic, yes some of the challenges faced may be similar to those with ME/CFS but if "challenges" is the yardstick used for relevance then pages will trend towards rather bloated. The first point of the editorial guidelines is "less is more" after all. Malcx (talk) 07:27, September 12, 2019 (EDT)

Readability[edit source | reply | new]

It would be helpful to include English names for relevant ME publications, and to explain some organizations eg political parties. This would made it easier to read for English speakers that aren't bilingual. The most relevant information should be higher up, with no more than 1 or 2 short sentences in topics like chess, economic models. See MEpedia:Editorial guidelines, and MEpedia:Article outlines for content and layout style.

The paragraphs should be shorter, with extra headings or bullet points to make it easier to read for those with significant cognitive or visual difficulties. notjusttired (talk) 15:25, September 9, 2019 (EDT)

Missing is an article outline for advocates. It should be different from the outline for patients. Guido den Broeder (talk) 15:42, September 9, 2019 (EDT)
It's here, MEpedia:Article_outlines#People_with_ME.2C_CFS.2C_and.2For_FMS_.2F_Advocates_or_allies - which categories are used depends on whether someone is an advocate/ally, or a patient, or both. The page says that you are both. notjusttired (talk) 17:18, September 9, 2019 (EDT)
Please do not edit this lemma as you're making far too many errors. If you think something needs to be changed, propose it here. Guido den Broeder (talk) 18:18, September 9, 2019 (EDT)

Peer reviewed research[edit source | reply | new]

If any ME research is published in peer-reviewed journals then this should have a separate heading. notjusttired (talk) 15:25, September 9, 2019 (EDT)

What about other listed publications in peer-reviewed journals? Guido den Broeder (talk) 21:40, September 9, 2019 (EDT)

Translations[edit source | reply | new]

MEpedia will soon be fully supporting different language pages, so a separate Dutch version could be created.

If you are interested, a glossary of terms in Dutch may help many readers. A German version of the Glossary exists at Glossary/de, the Dutch link would be Glossary/nl. notjusttired (talk) 15:25, September 9, 2019 (EDT)

I don't think we have enough people to adequately manage different language pages. However, many of the topics can be added to the Dutch-language version of Wikisage. Guido den Broeder (talk) 21:39, September 11, 2019 (EDT)