Talk:Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history

Potential References[edit source | reply | new]

A few papers that are good candidates for source material and citations for existing text in the article:

SBI treatment -- EscapeTheFog (talk) 10:32, June 24, 2019 (EDT)[edit source | reply | new]

Recently saw a few references to a "SBI" - immunoglobulin derived from bovine serum - as a treatment for SIBO. The wikipedia page on mentions this. Would like to include SBI in the treatments section if I can find good source articles.

-- EscapeTheFog (talk) 10:32, June 24, 2019 (EDT)

As I read further, it seems like this is broader than a SIBO treatment. May warrant a separate article.

A few links that may be helpful:

-- EscapeTheFog (talk) 11:21, June 24, 2019 (EDT)

-- EscapeTheFog (talk) 01:51, July 3, 2019 (EDT)