Portal:Nervous system

From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history
Nervous system

The nervous system is the part of an animal's body that coordinates its voluntary and involuntary actions and transmits signals to and from different parts of its body. Neuroinflammation, autonomic nervous system dysfunction, and intracranial hypertension are all thought to contribute to the symptoms of ME. (more...)

Selected article

Acetylcholine is an important neurotransmitter used in the autonomic nervous system. It plays an important role in regulating the inflammatory response. (more...)

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Selected biography

Julia L. Newton is a Clinical Professor of Ageing and Medicine at the University of Newcastle in the United Kingdom. She has published a number of ME/CFS studies focusing on autonomic nervous system dysfunction and the role of inflammation in fatigue. She is a member of the UK CFS/ME Collaborative and is the Joint Medical Adviser of the charity Action for ME. (more...)

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