Talk:Wessely school

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Revision as of 18:34, February 7, 2019 by Notjusttired (talk | contribs) (ICD link)
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Simon Wessely has referred to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and CFS/ME as "medically unexplained symptoms" on many occasions, meaning a somatic disorder (mental illness) ---> "meaning a somatic disorder" as far as I understand this sentence it should instead be "meaning a mental disorder", because that is what Wessely thinks right, that Me / cfs is a mental disorder, not a somatic physical illness?

ICD and DSM[edit source | reply | new]

No, somatic refers to physical symptoms caused by unexpressed psychological illness. As in Sigmund Freud. Somatic Symptom Disorders are classed as mental disorders in the DSM manual. The WHO ICD manual is being (mis)used by Wessely to reclassify symptoms under an unexplained "chronic fatigue" or unexplained pain code which is in the mental disorders section. This is the old concept of Conversion Disorder (as explained in Unrest) - classified under category F in the ICD-10 manual. It's part of his justification for using CBT because he's saying symptoms are physical but the cause is purely psychological and in his opinion the disorder is psychological. You can view the DSM Somatic Symptom category online and the ICD-10 too. This is the same argument as Per Fink uses to categorize as "Bodily Distress Disorder" and use forced psychiatric treatment as Wessely did for Ean Proctor. Unsure of exactly how to explain this. notjusttired (talk) 13:26, 7 February 2019 (EST)

Somatic symptom disorder or Somatization disorder might be clearer terms. There's no page explaining this area yet, or Functional Neurological Disorder (the new name for it) notjusttired (talk) 13:34, 7 February 2019 (EST)