Talk:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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Revision as of 02:05, July 29, 2018 by (talk) (turnaround)
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CDC turnaround[edit source | reply | new]

After many years of championing the psychological model of ME and the name Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CDC has completely changed its approach. In my opinion the current CDC pages on ME ( are very good. However, this turnaround is not made clear in the MEpedia Wiki article, and I believe it should be.

As a newbie to this Wiki I don't feel qualified to make such a change myself, and certainly not without first checking whether others share my positive view of the current CDC web pages. What do people think? Thoatswold (talk) 13:01, 28 July 2018 (PDT)

Absolutely! Go for it! Although its history is its history and that should not change, you can add information about this turnaround and I am all for it.-- 19:02, 28 July 2018 (PDT)