Talk:Thirty Years of Disdain

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Revision as of 20:59, July 13, 2017 by Kmdenmark (talk | contribs) (→‎The history of ME since... when?)
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The history of ME since... when?[edit source | reply | new]

Osler's Web was published in 1996, so there is an interval of nineteen years, not thirty. Perhaps the thirty years in the title refer to the Lake Tahoe case (2015 - 1985 = 30). 00:14, 13 July 2017 (PDT)

Thirty Years of Disdain does both: the title refers to the mistreatment of CFS patients since the Incline Village outbreak AND is a continuation of the story that has occurred from where Osler's Web left off. So no error in the title or the description of Mary's book. Kmdenmark (talk)