
From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history
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There are two ways to look things up in MEpedia: by searching or by browsing.

  • If you know the name of an article for which you are looking, simply type it into MEpedia's search box.
  • If you would like to look around the encyclopedia to see what is on it, use MEpedia's Contents page.

Primers are outlines of information aimed at different audiences.

Reference collections

MEpedia has several pages which provide content in a non-prose form, for reference purposes.


Glossaries are lists of terms with definitions. When terms in the glossary are used in articles, an underline appears giving a pop-up of the term's definition.

  • Glossary – Browse terms and acronyms regarding ME.

Category:Portals include featured articles, images, news, categories, excerpts of key articles, links to related portals, and to-do lists for editors. There are two ways to find portals:

Category system

MEpedia's collection of category pages is automatically generated from category tags at the bottoms of articles and most other pages. Nearly all of the articles available so far on the website can be found through these subject indexes.

If you are simply looking to browse articles by topic, there are three top-level pages to choose from:

Contents is technically at the top of the category hierarchy, but contains many categories useful to editors but not readers. Special:Categories lists every category alphabetically.

Lists of articles

MEpedia's alphabetical article indexes

Selected content
  • Selected articles and selected images are highlighted by each portal. Portals can be found from the main page and the Portal:Contents/Portals list.
  • The selected content is chosen randomly from a curated list of articles. Refresh the page to display different selected content.

Most popular articles