File talk:ME-CFS-neutological-not-MUS.jpg

From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history

"ME-pedia" underneath an AfME quote -- Pyrrhus (talk) 18:45, October 24, 2019 (EDT)[edit source | reply | new]

I'm wondering why it says "" underneath a quote from AfME. I was trying to figure out why we were quoting ourselves, before I realized that it's actually a quote from AfME, not a quote from MEpedia. User:Notjusttired
Pyrrhus (talk) 18:45, October 24, 2019 (EDT)

I made a few similar posters for different pages with the website name on the bottom. I think I put speech marks on most. Feel free to do a new version. ~Njt (talk) 11:43, October 25, 2019 (EDT)
Okay, thanks for clarifying. I tried to upload a new version, but there is a weird bug where you can upload a new version, but it continues to show the old version for about 24 hours after uploading a new version. Very annoying bug/feature...
Pyrrhus (talk) 14:12, October 25, 2019 (EDT)